28 / August / 2016 11:27

Nobakht: Iranian national security encouraging foreign investment

EghtesadOnline: Government spokesman and head of the Management and Planning Organization Mohammad Baqer Nobakht said on Friday that Iranian national security is encouraging foreign investment in Iran.

News ID: 769046

He made the remarks in his speech to the people in Yazd prior to Friday Prayers sermon.

He said that regional countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and even Turkey which was getting ready to join the European Union, suffer lack of comprehensive security and thank God Iranian national security is encouraging foreign investment, according to IRNA.

He said that Saudi government is suffering from security flaws and that over the past several months, even the holy city of Medina was among targets of terrorist groups.

Nobakht said that the oil price falls forced the Saudi government to let national currency devalue and get halved and they cut public services, but, under wise leadership of the Iranian Supreme Leader and the efforts of the government despite the dramatic fall of oil revenues, appropriate stability has been restored in the Iranian market. 

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